Tuesday, September 8, 2009

A little late for the train.

I just spent 20 minutes crying. A good cry. Who am I kidding? A BRILLIANT cry. I had not been aware that I needed one, but the powers that be work in mysterious ways.

It is - terrifying is I think the most appropriate word - terrifying how writing can pull thoughts and emotions to the surface (in full force, mind you). Shit you had not even known was there. This is in relation to the cry of course. As I am plugging through my little assignments for the Matador Travel U travel writing madness I am coming to realize a great gap in my life that is far too much silence. I rarely feel comfortable speaking, but writing in my journal or to close friends has always allowed me to more clearly share myself, and even then, I have not done it enough.

I hope to change that. I still fear judgements, labels, or simply being ignored, but that's alright.
It's this growing thing and it does hurt a little, but that's alright too.
This is for me. Just me.

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